PoultryService.com has been set up as the hompage for AJ Warner, who's poultry and plumbing equipment and services are some of the best Nationwide.
This site has been designed to be as simple to use as possible. To navigate the various sections, simply use the navigation bars on the left hand side, clicking on the links in the light and dark blue tables. The bar along the top of the page also provides quick links to our main sections.
Our products catalogue, which at the moment only contains a small percentage of the products and services available to you, can be accessed by visiting our products homepage, and our sunsequent sections are linked to therein.
We have listed some of our products available on the products pages, and a lot have more information or a picture available, if it is highlighted in red. Click on these links to get the further info.
Our services page gives a brief list of the services available that AJ has been doing day in day out for the past eight years. If you're looking for a related service which isn't listed, do not hesitate to contact us.
Contacting us couldn't be easier. Click on the All details link on the left will give you all the telephone, email and address details you'll need. Alternatively, the menu on the left has quick email links to both AJ Warner and the site webmaster.
For more information on this site, do not hesitate to query here.